Lydia Speaks

Raising today's woman to fulfill her destiny


Join Lydia on Lydia Speaks  Saturdays at 11am and Sundays at 4pm

Latest Episode

Raising families. Speaking Truth for the wholeness of families
Reaching out to families through media (radio, podcast, blogs and social media) to reveal the fathers love. We equip families through our programs by interviews, teaching, and regular blogs to help guide and strengthen the family and the home to thrive.

LS#2 Lydia Chats with Femi Abe
byThe London Christian Radio

Femi, 11+ specialist and I discuss strategies for preparing for the 11+ Exams.
Preparing a child for the 11+ exams typically requires 18 to 24 months of preparation, regardless of whether the child is tutored at home or with a professional tutor.

Lydia Speaks Show

Tune in to The London Christian Radio to hear  Lydia present Lydia Speaks every Saturday at 11.00 am and Sundays at 4 pm . 

Radio interview

Do you want to come on my show?
Do you want to be interviewed?
Do you want to come on my show to talk about your ministry? 
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Coming on Lydia speaks

  • Timezone UTC+6
  • Lydia Speaks
  • The London Christian Radio

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