

She Gives Birth to the Next Generation

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Raising families. Speaking Truth for the wholeness of families
Reaching out to families through media (radio, podcast, blogs and social media) to reveal the fathers love. We equip families through our programs by interviews, teaching, and regular blogs to help guide and strengthen the family and the home to thrive.

WA#1 Women Who Roar Like A Lion
byThe London Christian Radio

“She gives birth to the generation talk show. This faith-based program uplifts women by giving them a voice, sharing their encounters with the Lord, and inspiring them to leave a lasting legacy for future generations. Shania is passionate about women’s empowerment, helping them rise from their past failures and setbacks, and encouraging them to achieve all that God has in store for them.”

Tune into The London Christian Radio to hear my presentation of “She Gives Birth to a Generation “at 8 pm every Saturday.