Jochebed’s Courage

Parenting is an act of faith, filled with moments that require courage, wisdom, and divine trust. One of the most powerful examples of courageous parenting in the Bible is the story of Jochebed, the mother of Moses. Her story, found in Exodus 2:1-10, is a testament to how faith and bravery can shape the destiny of a child and impact generations to come.

A Mother’s Brave Decision

Jochebed lived in a time of oppression. The Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, and Pharaoh had issued a ruthless decree: every Hebrew baby boy must be thrown into the Nile River. This decree was meant to wipe out an entire generation, but Jochebed refused to succumb to fear. When she gave birth to Moses, she saw that he was a special child, and instead of giving in to the law of the land, she hid him for three months.

Imagine the courage it took to protect her son in such dangerous circumstances. Every cry, every footstep outside the door, every moment of hiding was filled with the risk of discovery. Yet, Jochebed held onto her faith, believing that God had a greater plan for her child.

Trusting God in the Face of Uncertainty

When she could no longer hide him, Jochebed crafted a basket made of papyrus and coated it with tar and pitch to make it waterproof. She placed her beloved son in the basket and set him afloat on the Nile River, entrusting him completely into God’s hands.

What an extraordinary act of faith! Jochebed had no guarantee of what would happen to Moses, but she knew she had done all she could. Her trust in God allowed her to release him into the unknown, believing that God would guide his destiny.

Divine Intervention and a Miraculous Turn of Events

God honoured Jochebed’s faith. As the basket floated on the river, Pharaoh’s daughter discovered it and was moved with compassion when she saw the crying baby. In an incredible twist, Moses’ sister, Miriam, who had been watching from a distance, stepped forward and offered to find a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby. That woman was none other than Jochebed herself!

Not only was Moses saved, but Jochebed was given the opportunity to raise her son in his early years while being paid to do so. This was a divine orchestration, proving that God rewards those who put their trust in Him.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” – Ambrose Redmoon

Lessons in Courageous Parenting

Jochebed’s story teaches us several valuable lessons about parenting with courage:

  1. Faith Over Fear – Despite the threats around her, Jochebed chose faith over fear. As parents, we will face challenges, uncertainties, and even threats to our children’s future, but we must stand firm in faith, trusting God’s plan for them.
  2. Wise Action – Jochebed didn’t act recklessly; she used wisdom. She hid Moses as long as she could and then took careful steps to protect him. Parenting requires both trust in God and the wisdom to make sound decisions.
  3. Trusting God with Our Children – There comes a time when every parent must release their child into the world, whether through school, adulthood, or difficult circumstances. Like Jochebed, we must trust that God will guide and protect them.
  4. God Has a Greater Plan – What seemed like a hopeless situation turned into the divine setup for Moses to be raised in Pharaoh’s palace, ultimately becoming the deliverer of Israel. No matter how bleak things may look, God always has a plan for our children.

Final Thoughts

Parenting is not for the faint of heart. It requires courage, prayer, and faith in God’s promises. Jochebed’s story reminds us that when we entrust our children to God, He can do far greater things with their lives than we could ever imagine. Let us, like Jochebed, be parents of faith—nurturing, guiding, and courageously trusting God with our children’s futures.

Are you facing a situation where you need to trust God with your child’s future? Be encouraged—God is faithful, and He will take care of them just as He did with Moses.

Written by Daniel_Raising Families

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