Chinese and Indian leaders pay tribute to the Queen

Chinese President Xi Jinping has offered his sympathies following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

“Xi Jinping, representing the Chinese government and the Chinese people, as well as in his own name, expresses deep condolences,” a statement says.

“Her passing is a great loss to the British people.”

The statement stresses that Jinping “attaches great importance to the development of China-UK relations”.

It adds he is “willing to work” with King Charles III to “promote the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations for the benefit of the two countries and their peoples”.

Meanwhile, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi says he was “pained” by the Queen’s death.

The Queen “provided inspiring leadership to her nation and people”, Modi says in a tweet, adding she “personified dignity and decency in public life”.

In Pakistan, President Arif Alvi praised the Queen as a “great and beneficent ruler”.

She “would be remembered in golden words in the annals of world history”, he says.

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